Историческая фигура

Полный список кино, фильмов и сериалов, которые были найдены по запросу «историческую фигуру»
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BIGGER THAN ALL OUTDOORS - Too thrilling for words! (original print ad)

Территория команчей

The Wild, Wanton Fury of 1,000 Howling Savages!

Билли Кид

Roaring out of the blood-swept pages of history . . . comes the only authentic life story of the Southwest's last outlaw . . . and his colorful career !

Красавчик Браммел

...the Most Beautiful Romance in all History

Железная госпожа

JIM BOWIE...a man with his name on a knife - and a woman with a weapon all her own!

Мистер Хорн

The true life adventure of the man who caught Geronimo.

День, когда был убит Линкольн

The Murder. The Manhunt. The Events That Stunned A Nation.

Зорро снова в седле

ZORRO - Crack shot, super swordsman...known to few, his iron hand is felt by all who dare defy the law! (original print ad)

Return of the Bad Men

THE TEN WORST KILLERS OF THE UNTAMED WEST...and the Lady they called «Cheyenne»...on a rampage of murder and terror in the blood-red days of frontier Oklahoma!


An Academy Award winner becomes Anwar Sadat

The First Texan

HE LEFT HIS MARK ACROSS THE WEST'S THOUSAND TOUGHEST MILES' From the Red River to the Rio Grande he was hunted and feared...a restless giant in a violent land! (original poster)

Hands Across the Rockies

Thrills Roar Across the Screen!

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