Just because you are a character doesn't mean you have character
Stealing stones is hazardous
Некоторым Вегас просто не по зубам
Beyond his silence, there is a past. Beyond her dreams, there is a feeling. Beyond hope, there is a memory. Beyond their journey, there is a love.
Happy endings are for stories that haven't finished yet
Узнай, с чего начиналась легенда
Преодолей судьбу
Every dream deserves a fighting chance.
Inside every one of us is a special talent waiting to come out. The trick is finding it.
Самый знаменитый боксер Америки
His whole life was a million-to-one shot
One Deadly Tournament. A Last Fight For Freedom.
Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush...
He's not fighting for a title... He's fighting for his life
Ни имён. Ни закона. Ни жалости
Как убить человека, который не ведает страха?
Too tough to die
In A World Without Rules, He Makes His Own.
Пока он жив - бой не закончен!
Rocky shows he a champ, and wins!