SEVETH HEAVEN ON THE FOURTH FLOOR! The landlord called them room mates...but they never met inside...'til they fell in love outside. (Print Ad-Greenfield Recorder-Dispatch,((Greenfield, Mass.)) 30 September 1933)
Sometimes its the small steps we take in life that reveal themselves later to be the most courageous ones.
Happier than the rest of us?
A bitch came between them.
There are no rules...there is no limit...IN THE LOVE-HUNGRY WORLD OF THESE YOUNG SOPHISTICATES!
Alive With Thrills!
BIGGER THAN ALL OUTDOORS - Too thrilling for words! (original print ad)
BY THE AUTHOR OF "GOODBYE MR. CHIPS,"- "RANDOM HARVEST" - "LOST HORIZON" (all original posters- all caps)
Look...Up on the Screen...Its Absurd...Its Insane...Its...
Every gasping thrill in color by Technicolor!
Based on a true story...a tale of two evils
Not a War Picture- But a war picture in the making! -Planes flying, crashing, while below cameras grind, and an inhuman genius drives men to destruction for the supreme thrill! (Print Ad- Evening Leader, ((Corning, NY)) 19 March 1932)
Young Man In A Hungry Hurry.