The old West.....with a new attitude!
His Gun Was For Sale...And His Life With It!
Wishin' for a real unusual screen treat ? Here It Is !
The Looniest, Tuniest Musical Gag-And-Gal Show Since «A Night At The Opera»
Exclusive Biograph Masterpiece
James Fenimore Cooper's Great Adventure Classic !
His home was his saddle...and his only friend...a six-gun!
Not since "Smilin' Through" such heart-stabbing romance! (Print Ad-Nepean Times, ((Penrith, NSW)) 10 November 1934)
His friend saved him his life, but... he had to kill him!
It will give you anything at the cost of everything.
It's way past time, to kill the future
Кровь за кровь
James Fenimore Cooper's Greatest Tale Of Rousing Adventure!