
Список фильмов и сериалов с жанром вестерн
Отчаянный ковбой

THE REAL, TRUE STORY OF THE WEST! (original print ad - all caps)

Френк и Джесси

The civil war made them outlaws. The people made them heroes

Martini Ranch: Reach

'Guess this ain't your lucky day!

Бешеный пес Морган

In the autumn of 1865 the unique and notorious desperado, bushranger Dan Morgan, crossed the Murray River from New South Wales into Victoria to do battle with the law for the last time. What happened has been a secret for over 100 years. And so it should have been, if only to save face for the corrupt and hated colonial establishment of the day. This then is the fascinating tale, told for the first time, of the romantic and extraordinary villain they called Mad Dog Morgan.


When a young man can't ride or shoot he needs help real bad. And here's help that's real bad.

В пустыне смерти

Somewhere Between Civilization and the Ninth Circle of Hell

Луна под прицелом

Calling Frank Morgan a Gunfighter is Like Calling The Desert Dry!

Сержант Ратлидж

THERE'S NO TURNING BACK! (original print media ad - all caps)

Билли-две шляпы

Against the Law...Against the Odds...Against the Land Itself

7 лиц доктора Лао

All Tony - All Terrific!


«Posse» begins like most Westerns. It ends like none of them. It will knock you off your horse.

Ангел мести

Он обучен защищать, служить, убивать

Дуэль на Силвер-Крик

Gun Against Gun For The Rule Of The Town!

Путешествие в Шилох

The Unstoppable Seven! They came to fight in tattered buckskins... and left in blazing glory!

Возвращение Сабаты

The man with gunsight eyes is back!

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