Twilight of the Possible Immortals
Twilight of the Possible Immortals
2020, драма
Канада, 1 ч
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Twilight of the Possible Immortals

год: 2020
слоган: «Genius Visionary composer Richard Wagner is awakened in Purgatory a century and a half after his death in the 1880s, his Mystical Enlightenment-inducing Music set to be forgotten for the rest of recorded time unless he can answer for charges of inciting WWII with his anti-Semitic writings, intense connection to the best/most intense elements of German culture, his secret LGBT life and other transgressions which were part of his unique Creative Process.»
видеооператор: Igor Kostin
монтаж: ,
жанр: драма
Дата выхода
Мировая премьера: 9 января 2020 г.
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Возраст: не указано
Длительность: 1 ч
Драма Twilight of the Possible Immortals на большом экране с 2020 года, его режиссером является Mj Politis. Кто снимался в кино, актерский состав: Gary Faustman, Mike J. Politis, Kelci Reid, Patrick Roach, Claude Winston, Charlotte Wyvill, Stephanie Saunders.

Страна производства - Канада.
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