When it was high noon in 'No-Man's Land' - it was midnight in 'Romance-Land' (original poster)
STIRRING PIONEER EPIC OF AMERICA (original poster - all caps)
On Bended knee we beseech you not to miss this comedy hit of the season.(Print Ad-The Bonham Daily Favorite,((Bonham, Texas)) 14 August 1926)
AL CHRISTIE'S GREATEST JOY TONIC (original poster-all caps)
Plunging into the whirl of a jazz-mad world, she all but wrecks her own happiness and his- and then suddenly a great tragedy arouses her to the realities of life. (Print Ad- The Bellingham Herald, ((Bellingham, Wash.)) 10 April 1926)
The story of a woman who fights like a tigress to ensure happiness to her young sister. (Print ad- Sunday Mail, ((Brisbane, Queensland)) 2 January 1927)