How could it happen to shy, so young, and so much like yourself? Where did she go wrong... and why... WHY... WHY?
HAUNTED HORSEMEN! (original ad - all caps)
Three funsters in a fast moving farce about the goofiest gangster that ever put a guy on a spot.
OH! The things that go ON ... and ON ... and ON!
Love on the run (around)!
DOWN BUT NOT OUT! The odds were against him, but with life itself at stake Buddy puts up a fight that reaches the heights of gripping drama. (Print Ad- Daily Times, ((Longmont Colo.)) 29 October 1927)
High-spirited romance thrill with fun and laughs!
Greetings from Greenwich Village.
Blazing Drama of a Fighting Law-Man!
We've all heard stories.
When you lose a son you gain a...
A spine-tingling drama of the west!