Into the black jungled heart of Africa he dared death to win her love. (Print Ad-Sunday Mail, ((Brisbane, Queeensland)) 7 August 1927)
The musical journey of a lifetime
Two brothers torn between modern township life, gangsterism and ancient African culture
Nobody can walk in your shoes...
A crook. A cop. A body swap
GEORGE MELFORD, when he made «Behold My wife!» and «The Sheik» won himself the title of the greatest heart-interest producer in the world. In this he has excelled himself- he has created a masterpiece that goes straight to the heart. (Print Ad-Philadelphia Inquirer, ((Philadelphia Penna.)) 18 June 1922)
The email is only the beginning
Will power consume the dream?
She found her life too tame. So she threw discretion to the winds and started out alone to seek adventure. You'll say she wasn't disappointed! (Print Ad-Painesville Telegraph, ((Painesville, Ohio)) 29 June 1920)
There is no way to keep out the intruders in your mind. They are always present. Always there. Always.