The sensational first-hand story of a super crook who was «too big» for the law - until the federal men stepped in! (original poster)
Story of a prison farm that gave a convict a gun...and gave him a pardon if he used it!
Whoop for joy- it's Eddie's Annual Million-dollar Fun and Beauty Show! (Print ad-Daily Advertiser, ((Wagga Wagga, NSW)) 24 December 1936)
A Soul-Stirring Drama of Wasted Lives!
THE BOOK THAT SET FIRE TO THE NATION Is Burning Up The screen! (Print Ad- The Pampa Daily News,((Pampa, Texas)) 22 October 1933)
IT'S MOIDER! You'll almost die laughing...when these keyhole watchers tangle with a killer!
a 4-BASE Hit!
The fastest boats afloat! The gayest romance you've ever thrilled at , in a glamorous setting of the millionaire's playground of the Pacific! (original ad)
DILLIINGER! KARPIS! MAHAN! CROWLEY! LEGS DIAMOND! All were parole-only to prey again on defenseless men, women and children! (original poster)
Love finds a way--to solve the most baffling mystery in sports history!
Monogram Presents a Great Box-Office Star in His Film Debut
GREASED LIGHTNING STREAKS ACROSS THE TURBILENT PLAINS...when Tim lights out on the bandit trail..Stirring outdoor action packs this gripping, dramatic story of the West's tooth-and-nail fight against the lowest of low criminals - the water thief - it's ADVENTURE IN HIGH (original poster)
GIVE US BACK OUR GOVERNMENT! of the people..for the people STOLEN FROM THE PEOPLE! (Print Ad- Bladen Journal, ((Elizabethtown, NC)) 2 March 1933)