SHOULD YOUTHFUL LOVE BE SACRIFICED TO DUTY? (original poster - all caps)
AMAZING! (original U.S. print ad for «Suicide Mission» - all caps)
A SCREENFUL OF FUN STARS on a Rampage of Rhythm!
YEAH! That 'Top Man' threesome is glee-some again! in Leap Year's leapin'est love meet' (original poster)
How far would you go to defend your honor?
They were the champion women swimmers of Hakoah Vienna... In 1938 they were thrown out... Now they return!
Leon... in a ration riot with a brawling butcher, an irate ration board, and a flock of slick chicks with trick ideas.
He's a Fightin' Fool---FIGHTIN' MAD! (original poster-all caps)
RANGE SHOCK TROOPS BLAST AXIS KILLERS! (original print media ad - all caps)
The Epic Battle of World War Two
Great Romantic and Dramatic Musical