Exiles From Life...Fugitives From Love
"Alcatraz is too good for him - I'll blast him to hell where he belongs" (original poster)
BLAZING LIKE A PRAIRIE FIRE! (original ad-all caps)
THE BOLDEST BANDIT OF A LAWLESS ERA! (original ad - all caps)
«Kiss me and keep kissing me...until you can make me forget!»
CASSIY TAKES ON A SUICIDE JOB OF LAW AND ORDER! (original poster-all caps)
Hold Everything...Here's WILLIAM HAINES IN "THE MARINES ARE COMING" (original print ad - several caps)
A Savage Adventure and Glamorous Romance! (original poster)
'YOUR PRAYERS WON'T HELP NOW, FATHER!' Hell breaks loose as terror rules the big house...and desperate men are bossed by a half-human killer! Don't dare take your eyes off the screen for a second---or you'll miss a shocking, sensational thrill!