Wives Feared Her, Men Adored Her! (Print Ad- Larchmont Times, ((Larchmont, NY)) 29 January 1931)
TWO PALS BATTLE FOR THE HEAVYWEIGHT CROWN! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - March 8, 1938 - all caps)
Youth, forbidden love, race and religion.
Everything you've ever wanted to know about Saddam Hussein (but were afraid to ask).
His LOVE Technique Was SURE-FIRE! (original poster)
The Fastest-Maddest Peppiest Dance Jamboree to ZIP Across the Screen!
A Laugh Romance of a Sucker who knew his Broadway! (Print Ad- Staunton Star-Times, ((Staunton, Ills.)) 8 November 1934)