CHEATING the scales and chasing the blues...a hurricane hunt for an eight-ounce pound!
THE SECRET THRILL THAT EVERY WOMAN REMEMBERS...and will never tell! (original poster)
You'll Love Her to Death...If She'll Let You! (original poster)
A Laugh-Packed CAST...PLUS...A Laugh-Packed STORY
A Drama of Laughs A Comedy of Tears (Print Ad- Wisconsin News, ((Milwaukee, Wisc.)) 28 May 1931)
No Readin'...No 'Ritin'...Just Rhythmetic! (original poster)
Spectacular drama behind the scenes. The story of the love-life of a great Broadway star. (Print Ad- Buffalo Courier-Express, ((Buffalo, NY)) 21 December 1931)
Ace Wise-Cracker Crashes Ritzy Circle! (Print Ad-Courtland Standard, ((Courtland, NY)) 28 June 1930)
LOOK OUT BELOW! Maggie's mad and getting madder! Jiggs is in bad and getting battered! (original ad)