The most famous spy story of our time
AIRPLANE SPY RING EXPOSED BY SECRET SERVICE! NOw you can see the amazing inside story of how Uncle Sam's secret guardians smash vicious international air spies! (original poster)
70 Minutes Of Happiness and Hi-Jinks!
A beautiful spy nearly led to his undoing!! Suspense!! Drama!! Action!! Love!!
DON'T PICK HER UP! Hijackers are using her as bait! (original poster)
OUT OF THE HEAVENS...ROARS ONE OF THE MOST DARING RAIDS EVER STAGED! (original print ad-all caps) a handful of men and women who fight the enemy within our gates!
She was Trash! She would do anything for a price!
When love's not enough...
TODAY! THE BIG LOWDOWN ON THE «UNDERGROUND» (original print media ad - all caps)