TRAIL TRAITORS BITE THE DUST! (original ad - all caps)
Fighting for the planet
LOVE ON HIS LIPS...A SONG IN HIS HEART...LIGHTNING IN HIS FISTS (Print Ad- Albany Times-Union, ((Albany NY)) 16 December 1931)
Sensational Kidnapping of a small child by the Enraged Eagle (original poster)
That was Bonanza Bill Barker, the fighting man who served his own brand of justice back in the roaring 80's...before the machine-gun age!
BEWARE! SNAPPY SNOOPY BLONDE AT WORK! (original poster - all caps)
CLEAR THE RANGE...for Action!
A woman at bay-and the man who paid the price (Print Ad-The Calgary Daily Herald,((Calgary, Alta.)) 8 March 1919)
Premonition or gut instincts- ALWAYS trust them or be prepared to pay the consequences!
Bold romance, Bolder thrills, Hair-Trigger Action! (original print ad)
A soul stirring pulse-beating action drama of the old Southwest...The double-barrelled romance of a dreamy girl and a delightful bandit. (original poster)
BULLETS FLY!...BANDITS FLEE!...When the Tulsa Kid declares war on range rackets that threaten to wipe out the west! (original poster)
"I DON'T NEED A GUN TO CATCH A MAN! (original poster - all caps)