THUNDERING GUNS SING A SONG OF DEATH FOR THE OUTLAWS OF THE OLD WEST! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Arcadia Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - August 30,1946 - all caps)
Time may pass, souls may die, but real love is forever
A portrait of one of the most novel and unique Western characters ever shown on any screen. Staged amid the awe-inspiring grandeur of the Rocky Mountains
This is "Hell Morgan's Girl". You Doubt Her. You Accuse Her. You Pity Her. You Condemn Her. You Hate Her. You Love Her. SHE'S WONDERFUL
Trouble at home - and no wonder! He advised his daughter to live courageously- hang the cost! (Print Ad- Niagara Falls Gazette, ((Niagara Falls, NY)) 26 July 1934)