Those madcap merchants of mirth score a laugh touchdown!
If you missed this year's November to Remember, it's a regret you'll never forget.
A glamorous modern-day love story that takes you places; shows you things! (original ad)
WORTH FIGHTING FOR! (original ad - all caps)
It's Their FIGHT of FIGHTS! They've got the toughest guys in town on the run!
A GANG OF ROUGH NECKS and a TWO FISTED PRIEST! (original poster)
THE NATION'S IDOL! (original poster - all caps)
A SMASHING LOVE STORY OF THE ARENA! (original poster - all caps)
A riot of revelry...As a meek pianist turns wrestler...And gets himself all tangled up with love!
ANCHORS AWEIGH... for thrills and action!
FEDERAL AGENTS WAGE WAR ON CRIME! (original poster - all caps)