TWO HARD LUCK DAMSELS RUN AMUCK WITH MIRTH! ...THEY WERE IN EACH OTHER'S WAY EVEN IN ROMANCE! (Print ad- Fort Dodge Messenger and Chronicle, ((Ft. Dodge, Iowa)) 29 April 1937)
BEWARE! SNAPPY SNOOPY BLONDE AT WORK! (original poster - all caps)
Even Mars, the War God, whose work of destruction seemed complete, could not cool the ardor of her love. (Print Ad- The Jeanette News,((Jeanette, Penna.)) 13 December 1918)
There is no more painful death...
A woman's quest for happiness leads to serious complications and misunderstanding. (Print Ad-Duluth Herald, ((Duluth, Minn.)) 17 October 1916)
Two Sailors Trapped on a «Virgin» Island