Young and beautiful, she was this year's pick... but somebody else's target.
The coolest things to do are the things they say we can't do.
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, there isn't a lock that Jack can't pick !
Tämä ei ole totta. Tämä ei ole valhetta. Tämä on satu.
Not Just Another Teenage Love Story...
A picture to storm your heart and sweep your senses . . . Drama behind palace doors . . . Drama on the battlefield . . . A world of conflict and emotion, brought to you in a picture that for sheer beauty and magnitude stands alone! . . . Don't Miss It!
Are you living your dreams, or just living?
You too can YouTube. You too can be a Butterfly.
Picked On... Put Down... Fed Up
Your Best Friends Have Just Become Your Worst Enemies.