A Cinderella Story
African immigrant soccer team goes pro in Iceland
Novoe - horosho zabytoe staroe (New it's good forgotten old.)
You will become a raving, fighting, want-to-kill-the kaiser American after seeing this picture. SEE WHAT GERARD SAW! KNOW WHY WE ARE AT WAR! (Print Ad- Duluth Herald, ((Duluth, Minn.)) 3 June 1918)
Thrill TO THE DRAMA OF UNCLE SAM'S NEW JUMP FIGHTERS!... (original print media ad - all caps)
WELCOME TO BRAZIL! The Brazil of Carmen Miranda... Copacabana... A cup of hot coffee... AND- THE CASE OF THE NAVES BROTHERS
20,000 degrees fahrenheit and not a drop of water
Seven men on a death-defying expedition...tell the shocking story of the world's most intriguing mystery.
Con or artist? you decide