Fate Made Him A Warrior, Courage Made Him A Hero
You can't ignore her. You can't beat her. You can't resist her. You can't win...
Это всего лишь игра... со смертью
Жертвуй всем, когда нужно спасти людей
love is betrayal. love is anguish. love is sin. love is selfish. love is hope. love is pain. love is death. what is love? love's a bitch
Every man has a destiny
These two opposites attract... but EVERYONE'S trying to keep them apart!
В теленовостях об этом не рассказывают. Правительство не может это запретить
Too tough to die
Where Love Cuts as Deep as a Dagger!
It's Not Just About Football, It's About Pride Inside!
It's a hell of a thing, killing a man
A new breed of martial arts hero is born
Они не только разбогатеют... но и отомстят
Секс на вылет
Что скрывает имя Шекспир?
Один миллион долларов. Одна ночь. Никаких вопросов
You're either S.W.A.T. or you're not
He's been everywhere mate