DON'T PICK HER UP! Hijackers are using her as bait! (original poster)
Capture nice young girls. Drag them to a house in the woods. Brand them, Beat them. Turn them on to everything. Someone's willing to pay $10,000 for them.
There's only one thing deadlier than the Chinese Mafia... An Angry Cop!
Professional killer...with a gun for hire!
They made him a target... They murdered his family... NOW, it's HIS move!
You're either in, or you're in the way!
In the world of villains...We need a hero...
Some Doors Once Opened Can Not Be Closed
He hasn't survived Vietnam to be killed in his own country!
Geïnspireerd op het leven van Klaas Bruinsma (Inspired by the life of Klaas Bruinsma)
What's left when all is lost?