LOVE ON HIS LIPS...A SONG IN HIS HEART...LIGHTNING IN HIS FISTS (Print Ad- Albany Times-Union, ((Albany NY)) 16 December 1931)
ROMANCE RIDES THE TEXAS RANGE (original print ad - all caps)
A BLIZZARD OF BLONDES! (original print ad-all caps)
She always meant to hold them off. She never could until she met the boy who understood...
GAY AS A SUNNY SPRING DAY! (Print Ad-Pittsburgh Press,((Pittsburgh Penna.)) 1 April 1934)
He Kissed His Wife After Breakfast...His Secretary After Dictation!
HE WOULDN'T LIVE IN A GLASS HOUSE! But she saw through his soul and it didn't take a microscope to learn his feelings..! (Print Ad- Greenfield Recorder-Gazette, ((Greenfield Mass.)) 14 October 1935)
The Nation's Greatest Ass-trologer!