ROMANCE! MYSTERY! COMEDY! The adventures of an Americal who stormed the gates of Romance in a Balkan Kingdom! (original poster)
You're Invited to the PALACE OF A THOUSAND PLEASURES! (original print ad - mostly caps)
ROMANTIC MUSICAL DRAMA! (original poster)
SEE THAT HOURI FROM MISSOURI shaking down those sheiks! (original lobby card)
Animals battling each other for jungle supremacy! Attacking man for survival! LIONS and TIGERS! ELEPHANTS and MONKEYS! CHIMPANZEES and CROCODILES! Animals battling each other for jungle supremacy! Attacking man for survival!
A Girl Who Dares...A Boy Who Does (original poster)
Destiny for one life. Love for eternity.
G-MAN AND BLONDE TRAPPED IN GANG HIDEOUT! That's when the excitement starts and it never stops in this smashing thriller! (original poster)