IT COST OVER $100,000 TO PRODUCE When you see it you agree that the money was well spent. (Print Ad- Fredricksburg Daily Star, ((Fredricksburg, VA)) 11 July 1918)
Exploding on the Screen!
Den STÖRSTA svenska film du sett! Och den GALNASTE!
Company of 2,000 in cast - It took a whole year to make it! (original poster)
You'll Love Her to Death...If She'll Let You! (original poster)
This is the story of the Tower of London... past and present
The most beautiful actress of the her greatest role (original poster)
Visit the World's Swankiest Swing Spot
A sparkling, bubbling, heady concoction that will make your veins tingle with excitement! (original poster)
Hear the GOLDEN VOICE! (original poster)