In the world of villains...We need a hero...
You'll open your heart to the glamorous actress who makes her first screen appearance now, direct from stage triumphs in London, Paris, and New York. New magic comes to motion-picture entertainment! (Print Ad- Gazette and bulletin, ((Williamsport, Penna.)) 18 December 1934)
«TRAP THE BLACK CAT!»...The command that began the most hair-raising pursuit the U. S. Cavalry ever rode on! (original poster)
OUTLAW COWBOYS Waging war on the underworld rats that try to strong arm the West
En el amor se las sabía todas... hasta que se enfrentó a «La Valentina»... (He knew everything about love... until he confronted «La Valentina»...)
HE'S THE BAD-MEDICINE MAN OF UNTAMED INDIAN TERRITORY! Singin' Jimmy throws a six-gun band on every renegade of the wild frontier (original poster)
Charles «Bulls Eye» Starrett and Smiley «Bull Artist» Burnette in...
THRILLS...WHEN THE DEVILDOGS SWING INTO ACTION! (original print ad-all caps)
Thundering Thrills...As The Great Texas Rangers Take To The Adventure Trail..Hot On The Heels Of A Desperate Band Of Gun-Runners! (original poster)
Kung Fu Masters! Devil Weapons! The Ultimate in Martial Arts!
Regan was a man of spirit...90-proof and bullet-proof (original poster)
They prayed for a murder...and got more than they bargained for! (original poster)
SABOTAGE on the HIGH SEAS! Great Serial Action and Suspense as The United Nations Strikes Out At An Unseen Enemy!
A smuggler bleeds like anyone else. He just gets more chances to prove it.