Every Passenger Has A Story
a not-so-romantic comedy of errors
SIZZLING!!! With South Sea Sweeties and throbbing music!!!
The Situation's Well in Hand! Those leathernecked devil-dogs are going into action...as only they know how! (Print Ad- Plattsburgh Press-Republican, ((Plattsburgh, NY)) 1 March 1944)
In the middle of a harsh desert valley sits the bizarre Salton Sea.
DEFYING A DESERT DESPOT! Fighting with fanatical fury on the sun-swept desert sands!
FEDERAL FLYERS BATTLE THE SMUGGLERS! (original posters and ads)
THEIR NAMES SPELL TERROR FOR BANDITS! WARNING: Outlaws Who Don't Leave Town Will Be Carried Out! (original poster)
In love you have to make a choice
Here's the straight-shooting buckaroo millions read about...and love!...With his saddle-mates---Little Beaver, Buckskin and the Duchess!