See Red in a Union Suit with Southern Exposure!
How could it happen to shy, so young, and so much like yourself? Where did she go wrong... and why... WHY... WHY?
Clara Harris Ran Over Her Cheating Husband Three Times. Some Call Her a Murderer, Some Call Her a Hero. You Decide.
Sentenced to death...AT FIVE O'CLOCK TEA! (original print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Palace Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - Sept. 9, 1934)
The comedy with sizzle.
His wife just left him for another man. And so did his boy friend.
FORTY-FIVE GUNNING...WILD WEST FUNNING! (original print ad - all caps)
SIX-GUNS RULES THE WEST! (original print ad-all caps)
How an art movie becomes porn... And how porn becomes pioneering cinema...