ha-ha! ha-haa! ha-ha! (repeated many times on the poster)
YOU'LL GO BANJO-EYED WITH JOY! (Print Ad- Askov American, ((Askov, Minn.)) 18 November 1937)
She had the biggest Six-Shooters in the West!
Larry Semon, Oliver Hardy: Alone Either One Is Hilarious; Together They Are a Riot
Kosher Meets Halal!
SHOCK AFTER SHOCK! (original print ad - all caps)
Why with everybody else - why with every slob ... and not with me?
Giant Spectacle of the World's Mightiest Men!
Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy have many ups and downs -- Mr. Hardy takes charge of the upping, and Mr. Laurel does most of the downing.