LIPS PRESSED IN ONE FIERCE KISS! (original poster - all caps)
The pain of loneliness in the modern city.
An all-talking serial in twelve stirring chapters
WHEN A YANKEE DAREDEVIL HITS THE FOREIGN LEGION...Heart-thrilling Romance...Bullet-streaked Action! (original poster)
Everyone is connected.
A Fantasy of Romance and Passion Woven With the Glamourous Threads of Ancient Bagdad! ...the night of nights - no dream of dreams ever thrilled like this! (original ad)
He ran away from life...from the past...from love! Until he met a girl who gave him courage to face fate. (Print Ad-Staunton Star-Times, ((Staunton, Ills.)) 19 October 1933)
The wind-swept sands of North Africa! Screaming Arab terror raids! The Harem Dance of Desire! The embattled Foreign Legion! The sheik's palace stormed! And the glorious music of the new 'Desert Song'
Very, Very Gay! When the Sultan's Away, and the Royal Magician Starts to the Harem! (original ad)
15 EPISODES OF Tingling Thrills (original posters and print ads)
Hell Everybody! This is JOAN DAVIS...clowning...go-to-towning...singing...dancing...spooning in my most entertaining picture to date!
High-Voltage Action! Electrifying Thrills! Thunderbolt Drama!
WHERE EVERY SECRET HAS ITS PRICE...Sometimes Money...Sometimes a Gun...Sometimes a Tangier Woman!