She was the biggest sucker of them all!
A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind.
The birthday cake is part nuts...the birthday party is completely nuts!
FOLLOW HIM -- at Risk of Insanity! FIND HIM -- and You'll Never Return!
Just once...everyone has to be a winner!
He went to Italy in search of his past... what he found was his future.
The private hell of four single New Yorkers made public for your viewing pleasure.
THE SCREEN'S BIGGEST LITTLE MAN IS BACK! (Print Ad- Lodi News,((Lodi. Calif.)) 14 June 1935)
The Threat...and The Picture...You'll Never Forget!
Truth can be found in the strangest places.
IN A CHANGING WORLD, this motion picture is joyously dedicated to the heartwarming fact that BABIES still come in the same old, wonderfully old-fashioned way!