As savage as the beasts that raised her!
Don't Cross The Path Of The Psychopath Unless You're Tired Of It All!
From Stock Car To Grand Prix... show him a curve and he'll take it... on two wheels or with a kiss!
This motion picture is conceived to erase the memory of Leslie Braverman who had the poor taste to drop dead, without warning, thereby inflicting on his family and friends all sorts of burdensome inconveniences--like, for openers, the funeral...
Just one weakness.... Just one.
Jerry's in London - trying to make an easy million the hard way!
A Paid Assassin Stalks His Prey ...
Maryjane Is Not a Girl - For Some it's a Way of Life!
Angel child, Angel wild, Angel tripping, all beguiled. Angels three, Angels free, Angels falling down on me.
A Gruesome Orgy of Human Mutilation!