COLD-EYED JUSTICE ON A WILD-EYED PONY! (original print ad - all caps)
His trigger finger itches for action as he goes on a jaw-busting spree in the badlands of the west! (original poster)
Their dog-gone daffiest laugh show! (One-sheet poster).
WHEN A YANKEE DAREDEVIL HITS THE FOREIGN LEGION...Heart-thrilling Romance...Bullet-streaked Action! (original poster)
Fighting Prosecutor Runs Racketeers Ragged! (original print ad)
SHE KNOWS THE WAY TO CASSIDY'S HEART! (original poster-all caps)
SEARCHING TRUTH...ON TODAY'S NEW MORAL MENACE! (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Texan Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - July 23, 1944 - all caps)