It was a choice between winning the championship and winning the girl- and the girl won. (Print Ad- Silver Creek Times, ((Silver Creek, NY)) 21 April 1927)
Smile at Jack as a salesman, traveling the road to romance. Smile at Dorothy as the telephone girl who handed him a different line! Smile at the hilarious situations! Smile at the comedy. (Print Ad-Eugene Guard, ((Eugene, Ore.)) 15 February 1928)
Imagine a Fourteenth century rogue with a Twentieth century idea who finds his way into the Sultan's harem and then has to fight his way out with a hundred guards at his heels and a beautiful girl in his arms. (Print Ad- Daily Times, ((Longmont, Colo.)) 23 November 1927)
Something that can't be missed! (print Ad- Douglas Daily Dispatch, ((Douglas, Ariz.)) 15 March 1928)