A picture of rare charm, filled with the glitter and color of New York's Great White Way. A Jazz Picture of a Jazz-Girl in a Jazz Age! A Rushing Riot of Laughs, Thrills and, May-be Tears! Best of All-Bright, Big, Beautiful! (Print Ad-Albany Times-Union, ((Albany, NY)) 29 September 1924)
A mighty melodrama of hearts and horses. (Print Ad- Norwalk Hur, ((Norwalk, Conn.)) 4 July 1923)
In Rome, Moscow, Madrid, Berlin, Vienna and London, all the capitals of Europe called aloud for the blood of the Little Corporal--and then came the greatest conflict of all the centuries, the---THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO (Print Ad-The Record-News,((Smith's Falls, P.O.)) 12 June 1923)
En ny svensk film med gott humör och amerikansk fart till största delen inspelad på Jubileumsutställningen i Göteborg.
If you like cyclone action; if you appreciate powerful drama; if you respond to bristling romance; if you're entertained by real Western drama, full of every element that has made movies popular, by all means see this picture! (Print Ad-Warsaw Daily Times, ((Warsaw, Ind.)) 6 October 1923)