A great warm slice from the life of a million homes. the story of a pleasure-mad wife who «jazzed» away all she held dear. (Print Ad- The Bellingham Herald,((Bellingham, Wash.)) 17 May 1920)
MAN stops at nothing! Progress, no matter what it costs. But is it progress; is it the age of enlightenment, when community indifference creates of fails to remedy conditions, under which parents are forced to sell their children on the open market in order to save them from grim want? (Print Ad- Sunday Sun, ((Vancouver, BC)) 5 June 1921)
She had been his Wife in Every Way Excepting in Name, but yet- (Print Ad-Newark Sunday Call, ((Newark NJ)) 2 May 1920)
A PICTURE A PERSON WANTS TO SEE SEVERAL TIMES. (Print Ad- The Evening News, ((Tonawanda NY)) 2 June 1923)