Фильмы и сериалы 1920 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1920 году
Cinderella's Twin

See adorable Viola Dana in Cinderella's Twin AND RENEW YOUR FAITH IN HUMAN KIND. Is Just the Sort of Girl You'd Like for a Sister- or, Better Still for a Sweetheart.(Print Ad- Nashua Telegraph, ((Nashua, NH)) 19 February 1921)

Очаровательная дикарка

The sweetest story ever told.

Опасный бизнес

A Picture That Soars Like a Rocket When Placed in Contrast With the Average Feature Pictures. (Print Ad-Watertown Daily Times, ((Watertown NY)) 3 August 1921)

Штатское платье

He had been reported killed in France. So the snobbish, romantic wife, who had fallen in love with his officer's uniform, thought herself a hero's widow. But he got by the footman and here he was! Citizen Sam McGinnis, in a brand new suit of joyous "hand-me-downs,"- returned to claim his bride! What did he find? What did he do? You'll laugh, and think, and- ATTABOY, SAM! (Print Ad-Cordova Daily Times, ((Cordova, Alaska)) 4 January 1923)

The Deep Purple

The subtle plots and schemes of the money-mad crooks who operate in the throbbing White Light District. And a Girl-lovely-wholesome-innocent-trusting. Why should she be there? (Print Ad- The Nevada Daily Mail,((Nevada, Mo.)) 3 January 1921)

Однажды для каждой женщины

What Is it that comes once to every woman? Love, marriage, the hunger for children? A great moment of decision? The sacrifice of unselfishness? (Print ad- The Bessemer Herald, ((Bessemer, Mich.)) 3 February 1922)

Eyes of the Heart

The sunbeam of the screen in a heart gripping drama of a young girl's faith.(Print ad).

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