Это всего лишь игра, но начав её, ты попадешь в ад, из которого нет выхода
И в жизни, и в еде, без любви не «вкусно»
The most provocative picture ever made.
Fated to love : Destined To Kill.
The only thing he must not have crossed
They destroyed his life... Now he'll destroy them all.
The legend begins....
Большой переполох в маленьком семействе
How fast is 1 second?
They were all honorable men. But all what they did that can be done name of honor
Перед тем как ты умрешь, ты услышишь...
Executed with style
This time, the combat is real.
2 Desperados ... 1 Hellcat ... and a Samurai ... the greatest fighting force the West has ever known!
Fight fear. Face truth. Embrace life