FILMED IN BLACK, IN WHITE, IN RAGE!... a motion picture without a safety valve!
You only respect what you fear.
Attraction drew them together. Compulsion drew them to murder.
Presents aren't the only thing they're unwrapping!
The Most WONDERFUL Entertainment EVER! EVER!
Dangerous Love. Jealous Love. Forbidden Love.
Heard any good stories lately?
A Beagle is a Boy's Best Friend. Sometimes.
Young men torn between physical desire and religious discipline
Remember high school? It's gotten worse.
Who you let in can change your life
The GAYEST, GIRLIEST, GREATEST MUSICAL of 1934! (Print Ad- Philadelphia Inquirer, ((Philadelphia, Penna.)) 26 August 1934)
full on - all night - come on
It all began with a little white lie.
boy meets's not the same old story!
Broadway's Most Romantic Musical Comedy comes to the Screen!!!