The Riotous Gal of Radio...NOW FUNNIER on the SCREEN!
The fastest-paced pleasure that ever spread a wide smile across the face of the screen!
Crimbus is for getting
ARE MOTHERS ALWAYS RIGHT? Don't form a conclusion until you see "Shopworn"...
The Laugh Sensation of the Season! (original one-sheet poster)
Before Madonna. Before Marilyn. There was Josephine.
A Sensational Drama . . Puts the MAN in Romance !
This is the story of...The Dreamers and The Schemers...The Hustlers and The Hopefuls...The Free-loaders and The Phonies...The Fakers and The Famous...All Fighting for the Highest Possible Award!!
LOOT...of the Lawless!
IT'S GOT EVERYTHING YOU WANT! (original print ad - all caps)
TOO MANY SINS TO FORGET! (original print ad - all caps)
He's a singer! He's a dancer! He's a coal-miner! And when Hollywood called, it was the answer to his dreams. So why is everyone saying...
There's a New Word for Entertainment Like This... Copacolossal!
FUN and songs! Fun AND songs! Fun and SONGS! ...DANCES TOO!