«MUST CONFESS. HONORABLE SON...This Is My Most Baffling Case!»
Romance and Thrills!
When you can't fuck the one you love, will you fuck the one who loves you?
BULLETS for BANDITS! (original print media ad - mostly caps)
Universal's supreme chapter play
15 Sensational Sense-Staggering Episodes! (original-release posters)
New Thrills...New Marvels, New Wonders New Thrills!...New Marvels, New Wonders
HIS HOBBY IS MURDER! Mr. Wong's main interest is solving murders - and he's an expert at it! Watch Collier's Magazine's famous Chinese sleuth trick a triple-killer into giving himself away...for the mystery thrill of you life! (original poster)
You have heard about «The Handcuff King» and the mysterious manner in which he escapes from everything. So far it has been impossible to confine Houdini in anything he could not get out of. He shows how it is done in the greatest serial ever produced. (Print Ad- Daily Colonist, ((Victoria BC)) 30 March 1919)