America's Exciting New Sweethearts!
The most fantastic...most exciting serial ever made! (original release)
M.G.M's Mammoth Technicolor Musical Spectacle!
To the murderers, rapists and psychopaths, he was judge, jury and executioner!
The Professor's 'Off' and Flying... and FUN SCORES A NEW HIGH!
WE LIVE! WE LOVE! WE FIGHT! WE HATE! (original poster - all caps)
Will Stacey and the gang escape the slaughterhouse and the legend of Marty Sickle?
Incredible but true!
No one holds a candle to Joan -- when Joan is carrying the torch!
Have you ever done it the Transylvanian way ...?
The share the house. They share the food. They share Teddy's wife. Such a nice happy family.
It's Charlie...the webfoot wonder with the 24 karat layaway plan!