The bigness and the boldness of the Naked and the Dead.
You have never really seen Gregory Peck until you see him in «Night People».
UNFURLS THE BANNER TO HIGH ADVENTURE! (original print ad - all caps)
«Canaris» Playing the Dangerous Dual Role - One, Right Hand Man to Hitler...The Other an Agent for the Allies of Europe!
When she got mad she sizzled...and she was mad! Mad at the general, all of Washington, and herself!
The only man to invade the U.S.A.!
The science-monster who would destroy the world!
THE DYNAMIC HERO OF THE AIR-WAVES - NOW A DASHING HERO ON THE SCREEN (original six-sheet poster - all caps)
Hair-Trigger Action! Red-Blooded Romance! Rip-Roaring Thrills!