One man's fantasy is another man's reality!
It started as a game. Campers against counselors. It turned into a nightmare, that became a revolution.
He is a new kind of gunfighter!
Ginger is Back!
They were on the most exciting adventure of their lives. It would end up ... Out of Control.
The Most Blasphemous Story Ever Told
Hotter Than Hell!
They have just awakened to feed their ancient craving. ('Demon Rage' tagline)
Sometimes the people you know the best are the ones you can trust the least.
Chained like animals - treated like trash - even the filth and sweat couldn't stop their primitive cravings!
En våldsam färd med mörka hemligheter
Tragressivo, provocatorio, aspro: la seconda fatica di Antonio Capuano dopo "Vito e gli altri" è un film che ha fatto e farà discutere a lungo.
What happened to an innocent family in this house shocked the nation.
See Why the Old West was Wild!