He stopped the ivory pirates who plunder Africa's forgotten wilderness
Gorgeous LIPS...A LOVER'S TRYST THAT SENT 1,000 MEN TO THEIR DOOM! STARTLING! (Print Ad-Albany Times-Union, ((Albany NY)) 13 July 1943)
Fire Scenes That Scorch the Screen in a 5-Alarm Thriller!
A classic adventure story from the Australian outback
We Saw What Happens When Bare Hands Meet Bayonets! We watched the most incredible events a man and a woman ever faced together. Our love carried us safely thru. We want you to share our amazing adventure...see the things we saw...SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE
BRITAIN'S NEW FILM FUNSTER! (Australian poster - all caps)
Sweeping drama of Australia's Gold Rush
Formby at his Best in a Rib-Tickling Riot in This Lavishly Mounted Mix-Up of 'Fun'derwear!