A PILOT'S DECISION! (original print ad for U.S. release 'Decision Against Time' - all caps)
Laughter, Love, Suspense and Thrills in a Film of a Fateful Journey
Two women - each with the right to call this boy her son.
The Life-Line of an Empire in Action!
A great adventure story of the sea
Meet the most courageous man of the year!
A drama of the river underworld
THE MOST CHILLING ULTIMATUM EVER HURLED AT THE SCREEN!...'do what I say or I'll blow the whole city to hell!' (U.S. newspaper ad for 'Four Desperate Men')
Adventure on the high seas!
Traitor? - Coward? - or Hero? His gun was always ready to save a life!
A picture for every man who has a woman - for every woman who believes in one man.
The story of A BAD WOMAN...Who loved shamelessly...Who murdered ruthlessly...
Fast Furious Formby Fun!
Pokes Fun at the Hun!