Les Patterson Saves the World. A True Story.
From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli ... the guts-and-glory story of the U.S. Marines!
Life is fiction.
The Story That Had To Be Told!
DEATH FIRES THE STARTING GUN!...and you'll be breathless at the finish!
His love. Her December. Their story. Something to remember.
Once TO EVERY WOMAN COMES A LOVE LIKE THIS! And once to every man the chance to prove worthy of it! (Print Ad- Greenfield Recorder-Gazette, ((Greenfield, Mass.)) 9 March 1937)
ROMANCE in Araby with a Sheik in Venice while a gondolier sings songs of Love in Paris while champagne bubbles
Spine-tingling thrills as Ray and Paulette trap a barebacked spy in a barefaced lie! (original herald)
A Strange Tale to Thrill you!
2000 ears heard the shriek that meant murder! 2000 eyes saw the victim die!...but no one saw the murderer! (original Herald)