The whole black-gold border knew the «Gringo Giant» was on a rampage! Only the girl with the lying-green eyes knew why!
WHY DO PEOPLE SAY "s-s-sh!" when this book is mentioned? Are they afraid to admit that such things can be true? Some say it's hokum. Thousands swear it's gospel truth. Everybody says it's striking entertainment. (Print Ad-Daily Alaska Empire, ((Juneau, Alaska)) 28 January 1933)
THE BIGGEST LAUGH SHOW IDEA IN TEN YEARS (Original print ad - all caps)
There are no heroes in the hills!
Chuck Connors betrays a gang of seven ruthless mercenaries!
He bought six men out of hell and they brought it with them.
The fury of America's fight for decency !
LIttle guys with big guns!
The West's Most Spectacular Star--in His Most Spectacular Story!
M.G.M. presents a Great Drama of Flaming Frontiers !
The most fantastic...most exciting serial ever made! (original release)
Together Again - They're Dynamite!