A new perspective on the zombie movie.
He might eat maggots and live in a cage but he's still our Dad
Flunk 'em if they can't take a joke
Something funny is brewing at Elsinore Castle...
THE DYNAMIC HERO OF THE AIR-WAVES - NOW A DASHING HERO ON THE SCREEN (original six-sheet poster - all caps)
A herd of wild horses can't stop these three daring sons of trouble!
A brotherly rivalry between a man and a women . . . and Orson Welles
Highschool - you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy
In every club in every bar there's a dealer dying to make it big
Summer has started. Classes are done. Time for these girls to have KILLER fun.
HEY WINCH! Take to the hills! Take to the shelters! (original poster)
NEW THRILLS! (original insert card)
With Buds Like These, Who Needs Friends?
WANTED: Super hot girl. For a relaxed one-night stand. Including fun with a video camera. What could go wrong?